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Hot skills and career paths for 2007

In 2006, we looked at hot 13 technical skills. This year, Idealpeople explore both the top 15 technical skill requirements and the top
8 competencies that will be most sought after by it's consultants in 2007.

 Hot Skill 1: Teradata/SAS/BI

 Hot Skill 2: SOA & Websphere

 Hot Skill 3: J2EE & JEE5

 Hot Skill 4: C++ & C#

 Hot Skill 5: Security & Biometrics

 Hot Skill 6: e-Procurement & Supply Chain

 Hot Skill 7: Media Convergence

 Hot Skill 8: User Interface Design

 Hot Skill 9: Mobile Platforms & J2ME

 Hot Skill 10: Ajax

 Hot Skill 11: Linux

 Hot Skill 12: Enterprise Content Management Systems

 Hot Skill 13: Storage & Virtualisation

 Hot Skill 14: WIMAX

 Hot Skill 15: VoiceXML

 Hot Competencies:

Technical Marketers and Product Managers
New ideas have been sitting untapped and without meeting their potential. Product Managers are highly sought after to 'own' the products, driving their success in highly competitive or untested global marketplaces. Idealpeople help a substantial number of these pioneering people find new and exciting positions.

Technical Leads and Architects with Management skills
Some Technical Architects have been over protective of their own wisdom and technical knowledge in the past. With international (offshore) concurrent, multi-site and 'virtual' teams becoming more commonplace, and a higher focus on real mentoring and knowledge sharing, Tech Architects are now expected to come with superb 'people' skills as well as technical gravitas.

Configuration and Build Engineers
As the complexity and capability of IT solutions increases, so does the need for correct management of it's maintenance and change. Configuration Management is becoming progressively more sought after as a competency as it becomes progressively important. Idealpeople have uncommon access to such roles, often exclusive, unadvertised assignments.

Pre-Sales Consultants
Possibly one of the most difficult roles to perform in IT, Pre-Sales pro's are an essential conduit between customers and partners to bridge the gap between the 'Systems and the Sense'. Consequently, Pre-Sales candidates are in low supply, and will remain in high demand at Idealpeople.

Test Engineers
When has an application been tested enough? Answer - it hasn't. Testing is a route which carries with it, in 2007, a near guarantee of being 'in demand'. This means very healthy rates and salaries for Testers in 2007, especially with ISEB qualifications or strong Automation, Web, or Embedded Software Testing experience.

Channel Sales and Partner Management
Selling to people and to businesses is one thing. Building lasting, often international relationships with other complex entities is never easy in the highly competitive world we do business in. Therefore now, and later into this year, Channel Sales and Partner Managers will be a high demand competency. Idealpeople understand the delicate mix of skills required to perform these challenging positions, and can align your expectations with a host of leading employers.

Software Engineers
Idealpeople expect to continue to boast a full orderbook for requirements software engineers internationally; at all levels of experience with skills in any platform, any language; embedded, real time, kernel-mode, database, n-tier, middleware, web and user interface.

Technical Documentors
Idealpeople expect a continued demand this year for those gifted individuals who can translate the complex into the coherent and cohesive. In particular, demand is expected for Authors with API documentation, localization or systems background, to write material for the technology of tomorrow, today.

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